Removable FPV USB ends Micro USB Standard USB USB Type C


Micro USB ends:

Micro USB 90 degree : Micro USB 1

Micro USB angled : Micro USB 2

Micro USB straight

Micro USB female

Micro USB 1-OTG(Not for charging)

Micro USB 2-OTG(Not for charging)

Standard USB ends:

Standard USB straight

Standard USB 90 degree UP

Standard USB 90 degree down

Standard USB straight female

Standard USB 90 degree female

USB TYPE C 90 degree

USB Type C straight

USB Type C female

All USB ends above are 2.0 version.

5V , 2-3 load, Not for fast charing

USB TYPE C not for ipad car charging , not for thunderbolts not for fast charging.

SKU: N/A Category: Tags: , ,

Micro USB ends:

Micro USB 90 degree : Micro USB 1

Micro USB angled : Micro USB 2

Micro USB straight

Micro USB female

Micro USB 1-OTG(Not for charging)

Micro USB 2-OTG(Not for charging)

Standard USB ends:

Standard USB straight

Standard USB 90 degree UP

Standard USB 90 degree down

Standard USB straight female

Standard USB 90 degree female

USB TYPE C 90 degree

USB Type C straight

USB Type C female

All USB ends above are 2.0 version.

5V , 2-3 load, Not for fast charing

USB TYPE C not for ipad car charging , not for thunderbolts not for fast charging.


Micro USB 90 degree-Micro USB1, Micro USB 90 degree-Micro USB 2, Micro USB straight, Micro USB female, Standard USB Straight, Standard USB 90 degree UP, Standard USB 90 degree Down, Standard USB A female straight, Standard USB A female angled, USB Type C 90 degree, USB type C straight, USB type C female, OTG-Micro USB 1, OTG-Micro USB 2


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